Dear Friends,
It’s been a long time since I, Jim, have written to you. This is mostly because of my ALS. This is a brief end-of-the-year overview along with some information concerning the future.
I am no longer able to use my hands, arms, or legs. Talking is becoming more and more difficult. There is some expectation that I might lose my voice and the ability to talk. We are praying and asking God to preserve my ability to speak, even if I just get to the point where I only whisper. Phyllis, Steve, and Emily, along with the aides from Hospice of Cincinnati continue to take extremely good care of me. I have some days that are very difficult and others that are not so bad, for which I am very grateful. My body is weakening and I am losing more weight.
As always, please feel free to schedule a visit with us. We would enjoy your company immensely.
We are so grateful for God’s gift and kindness of you, our family and friends, and our loving church, Faith Bible. We are so thankful. Some days are hard and both of you make it easier as we know you are praying.
National News
You have probably heard, in the news, about the immigration “crisis” here in Lockland. Any community, large or small, has been impacted by the influx of people moving into our country. There are two things to remember concerning immigrants. There is legal immigration and illegal immigration. For the most part, the people immigrating to our Village of Lockland are legal immigrants. We have been working directly with them for over 3 years and we have found them to be very kind, eager to work, and pursuing employment. The majority are men, though there are some women and children. They are predominantly Mauritanian and Senegalese, mostly Mauritanian. Did you know that Mauritania is one of the world’s last countries with legal slavery? Many of the men are coming to the United States to escape slavery and to escape war.
Their primary language is French. Google translator, on your cell phone, will enable you to carry on some kind of conversation. We have had them in our home. We have been in their homes. We have eaten meals with them. We have spoken Arabic through Google with them and found them very engaging. Life is difficult as they are trying to learn English and adjust to American culture.
Ministry Updates
It is a great joy to see God’s faithfulness in growing the outreach programs at the Center. Tutoring, MCClub, and ELC are well attended, and the gospel being shared. Once I received my diagnosis last year, it was necessary for me to move away from the day-to-day operation of the ministry.
I was at the Center nearly every day for over three years and then very quickly became isolated at home.There has been great sadness, both for Phyllis and me, in my absence from the work in the ministry. The ministry is constantly on my heart and in my prayers, as we receive updates on God’s activity here in the Village.
Renovation Update
The most major challenge before us continues to be securing the funding for 115 N. Wayne, which will house our “large meeting space” for classes, as well as the community laundromat. One of the men from our leadership team, as well as a couple of men from Faith Bible Church, are working together on a feasibility study and business plan for the laundromat. We are looking forward to their report and the completion of phases 3 and 4 of the Metanoia Center.
Cost/Goal to Reach: $750,000
Current Balance: $255,890.72
Prayerfully consider making a donation for Phases 3 and 4. Our goal is to see the project completed by the end of 2025. The amount needed is great, but our God is greater!
About Us
Jim and Phyllis are faith-based independent missionaries commissioned by Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, Ohio serving with the Metanoia Center. Donations to their ministry may be made through the Metanoia Center, 113 N. Wayne Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or online by visiting If sent by postal mail, please include a note with your donation indicating your desire to direct it to Jim and Phyllis Null’s Ministry Area. The Metanoia Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, thus your donation is eligible to be considered for tax exemption – please consult with your tax professional for details.
Jim and Phyllis
Galatians 2:20