July 2024 Newsletter

Update: Jim’s Health

As many of you know, Jim was diagnosed with ALS in May of 2023. We have experienced so many challenges, unknowns, ups and downs, and changes that we often marvel that we are still standing. The one constant on this journey has been God and His faithfulness. Faithfulness to meet all our needs. Faithfulness of our church family, family, and friends. Faithfulness in sustaining us in our weariness. Faithfulness to encourage us with hope when we could despair.

He is in his motorized wheelchair all the time, except for sleeping. He has lost the use of his hands, arms, and legs. He is still able to speak, although his voice is weak and raspy. He uses his breathing machine about 22 hours a day. Most recently, our friends the Wilson’s, offered Adam’s eye gaze computer for Jim’s use, in the event he totally loses the use of his voice. He’s preparing for the speech therapist to train him how to use the device. We are so grateful for this opportunity and the love extended to us from the Wilson’s.

Summer Outreach

All our classes are currently dismissed for the summer. Our main summer focus is missions outreach week, which is the week of July 15 through 19. We will be hosting MC Kids Camp the first four days, with some crazy, fun activities, and lots of youth volunteers. On Friday evening, we will host our 4th Annual Street Party. Food, bounce houses, live music, raffles, and vendor booths.  Last year we had over 300 guests! Please feel free to join us as we connect with our neighbors and share the love of Christ.

Update on Kroger Community Rewards

We just received our second check to the Metanoia Center from Kroger in the amount of $95!   This check is almost 3 times the size of our first previous one!  Thank you for spreading the news and utilizing this non-cost benefit when shopping at Kroger.

Signup for the Kroger Community Rewards Program and designate the Metanoia Center as your Rewards Card community organization where a portion of your eligible Kroger purchases will be donated to the Metanoia Center.   There is no cost to you for this program!  Read more about it here!

Special Edition Newsletter

Please read our latest update on completing Phases 3 & 4 of the Metanoia Center buildings at this link: Our Greatest Challenge Yet

Prayer Requests

  • Volunteers for our fall programming which include Tuesday after-school tutoring, Thursday MC Club, and Sunday ELC.
  • A social media person to manage our online presence in various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, X, and blogging.
  • Funding for the completion of Phases 3 & 4 of 115 N. Wayne.
  • Wisdom as we restructure our Leadership Team (Board).

Praise List

  • Both of the second-floor apartments for 113 N. Wayne have been rented.
  • We have a dedicated group of volunteers who will be attending this week’s mission week and engaging with the Lockland Community.
  • Our prayer walk July 6 had a great turnout of individuals representing local churches and various ministries happening at the Metanoia Center.

About Us

 Jim and Phyllis are faith-based independent missionaries commissioned by Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, Ohio serving with the Metanoia Center. Donations to their ministry may be made through the Metanoia Center, 113 N. Wayne Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or online by visiting https://www.metanoiacenter.net/donate.php. If sent by postal mail, please include a note with your donation indicating your desire to direct it to Jim and Phyllis Null’s Ministry Area.  The Metanoia Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, thus your donation is eligible to be considered for tax exemption – please consult with your tax professional for details.

Jim and Phyllis
Galatians 2:20