Newsletter March 2022

Kroger Community Rewards

The Metanoia Center is now a participating organization in the Kroger Community Rewards Program.   Designate the Metanoia Center as your Rewards Card community organization and then a portion of your eligible Kroger purchases will be provided to the Metanoia Center.   There is no cost to you for this program!  Read more about it here!

Building Progress


Our amazing architect has submitted the plans and drawings to Hamilton County.  Hamilton County responded with 34 items for more information, to be added, changed, etc.   Our architect is currently gathering the necessary details to respond to the County.   Please pray with us for favor and an approval so we can get started putting things back together to Make a Home for the Metanoia Center.

As we are able to get permits issued, we’ll work with our contractors to seek their permission to bring skilled volunteers alongside of their work for wiring, framing, ceilings and so forth.


As of today, March 1, 2022, if we include all funds on hand, and those committed by churches and individuals, we have roughly $130,000 in our account towards our $150,000 fundraising goal for Phase I – a Home for the Metanoia Center.   We are so grateful for the many donations made by individuals and churches that have contributed to reaching this number.      We are praying that 2022 is the year we get to occupy the bottom floor of 113 N. Wayne Ave. and begin using this space to accomplish our goals and mission for the local, and surrounding communities.   To donate, in any amount, please free to mail a check to Metanoia Center, Business Office, 316 Home Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or click here to donate online using a major credit/debit card or an e-check.

Ministry Opportunity

We’ve had a few conversations about how to expand our after school efforts by adding another day.   Our program leader, Keith Ray, has shared that if we had 10 volunteers committed to an afternoon, that we could add an extra day of ministry.  The focus of this day would be tutoring and mentoring of students working closely with the needs identified by Lockland Schools for those students who participate.  In addition we would need some resources, such as water, healthy snacks and some supplies, but most importantly volunteers who are comfortable with reading, writing, English and arithmatic.

Let us know if you would be interested in helping so we can ascertain the possibility of adding an extra day for this purpose!  Send an email to, with your interest along with your full contact details including all school subjects of interest to you.  With this information we’ll be able to consider when we can begin this effort based upon the responses of volunteers.   Please post this announcement to your church as well!

Rummage Sale to Benefit the Metanoia Center

Click the image below to view a larger, easier to read, version in a new window.

First Work Day of 2022

On Saturday, February 19 a crew of about nine volunteers met at the Metanoia Center to help empty out 113 so that contractors would have a clear working area.   In about one hour and a half everything was moved.   Then several of them tackled removing the gas lines on our side of the meter left behind after Duke Energy completed the disconnection.    Thank you for helping!



In March, we’re expecting our second group work team to arrive from East Pickens Baptist Church.  This team of college students will be focusing on exterior painting, landscaping, and duct removal.   Pray with us for dry, warmish weather so that we can accomplish these outside projects in mid-March.


Prayer List

  • Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Jim – we are very grateful.   He continues to improve as healing takes place where his surgery was undertaken.   He’s more active and able to “work” – stand – for two to four hours.  And, he’s just over a mile in distance walking!   His next followup with the doctor is 3/21 where we are praying for an all clear.
  • Pray for favor with Hamilton County to approve our permit requests for 113.  And for the permits to follow from our contractors for electrical, plumbing and HVAC.
  • Pray for continued donations, and a grant or two, to Make a Home for the Metanoia Center so that we have funds to complete Phase I and possibly begin Phase II.
  • Pray with us about adding a day to our after school efforts led by Keith Ray, for volunteers, resources and finances.
  • We are in the process of making plans for #LoveLockland Street Party for 2022, along with other community activity.   We’re asking for God’s wisdom so that our efforts accomplish His desires for the immediate neighborhood.


Jim and Phyllis
Galatians 2:20

About Us: Jim and Phyllis are faith-based independent missionaries commissioned by Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, Ohio serving with the Metanoia Center. Donations to their ministry may be made through the Metanoia Center, Business Office, 316 Home Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or online by visiting If sent by postal mail, please include a note with your donation indicating your desire to direct it to Jim and Phyllis Null’s Ministry Area.  The Metanoia Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, thus your donation is eligible to bee considered for tax exemption – please consult with your tax professional for details.