Phase 2 update
As you can see from the photo we are getting ready for the drywall and insulation. We are excited about the progress! As the construction progresses the second story is becoming very quiet and comfortable. As we get these two steps completed, we will proceed into the phase where we start adding color such as painting the walls, laying down flooring and more. Our general contractor, Unlimited Carpentry, tells us their schedule indicates we should be complete at the end of December or beginning of January. Every stage gets inspected and mediated if needed.
We are making plans to have an open house where you can come and do a “walk through” of both Phase 1 downstairs and Phase 2 upstairs, once construction is completed and inspections are passed, This walk through will likely occur on a Saturday once everything has been finalized by the inspectors.
Ministry programs
Our ministry programs are in full swing now. English Language Class, MC club, and tutoring. We have a great crew of volunteers, working with passion in each of these programs. If you have an interest in helping, please reach out to us. Each program has room for growth in numbers of students as well as volunteers. However, we cannot grow the numbers of students in the programs without more volunteers. So, please consider the opportunity before you, and potentially before your church, to be involved in one of these programs.
We believe we have sufficient finances to complete Phase 2, as we await final cost adjustments. If you have been considering making a donation toward our reconstruction, an end of the year financial gift would be welcomed. Thank you for your faithfulness in donations for this project. Like all other nonprofit ministries, donations are down significantly compared to a year ago. We are so grateful to be where we are. As we look forward into Phase 3 and Phase 4, we are excited how God will supply those needs. It’s amazing what he has done!
Prayer List
– Pray for Phyllis, our Executive Director, and for Keith Ray, our Interim Director, as they pilot the direction to Metanoia Center.
-Pray for our volunteers. They do amazing work. They do it self-sacrificially and with love and compassion.
-Pray for those doing the construction work on Phase 2, that we would have opportunity to engage the workers in gospel discussions.
-Continue to pray for our ALS journey. There are new challenges all the time. Phyllis will post any major changes or updates on the CaringBridge site,, Jim Null’s ALS Journey. For now, you can know that my muscles continue to weaken, and many have stopped working. We have been praying for the electric wheelchair that has been custom designed for me. The custom design work is greatly beneficial because I’m a tall guy and they don’t stock equipment for tall people. We were told it can take up to 120 days to receive the chair. We just recently learned my chair will be here and in my possession in 50 days, November 16! Thanks to everyone who joined us in praying for it’s quick arrival!
About Us
Jim and Phyllis are faith-based independent missionaries commissioned by Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, Ohio serving with the Metanoia Center. Donations to their ministry may be made through the Metanoia Center, 113 N. Wayne Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or online by visiting If sent by postal mail, please include a note with your donation indicating your desire to direct it to Jim and Phyllis Null’s Ministry Area. The Metanoia Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, thus your donation is eligible to be considered for tax exemption – please consult with your tax professional for details.
Jim and Phyllis
Galatians 2:20