Dear Friends and Family,
How has it been several months since we sent out our last newsletter? The time has gotten away from us, and we are in awe of the fact that 2024 is quickly coming to a close. The reality is, Jim was the one who so faithfully and eloquently communicated each month with friends, family, and supporters about all that God was doing in and through the Metanoia Center. With his diagnosis, I have taken on a plethora of responsibilities both here at home and for the ministry. Many of those responsibilities are way out of my “wheelhouse”, especially anything having to do with technology. The learning curve has been challenging, to say the least! So, I will do my best to give recent updates and try to be more faithful in sending out our monthly newsletter.
Metanoia Center: We have been beyond blessed with the growth of the ministry at the Center! We have a waiting list for Tuesday Tutoring. There has been a significant restructuring of our Thursday MC Club, with a concentrated focus on just the 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. The reduction in the age span, K-12, to a smaller group will enable the staff to develop closer relationships and a more personalized focus on their spiritual needs. The English Language Class started their fall classes on Sunday, September 8. They had over 100 students come to register for the fall semester! The Bike Kitchen continues to be a HUGE success. Through bike mechanics classes, our attendees have earned their bikes and repair kits. We have given away close to 400 bikes.
We cannot adequately express our thanks to our Interim Director/Program Director, Keith Ray, for the hundreds of hours of planning, preparing, and leading the day-to-day activity of the Center. He has been a “God-send” at this very critical time. We are grateful for Brian and Kinsey as our lead teachers for our ELC. This is a task that is ever-changing and ever-growing. Lockland has had a significant influx of immigrants, most non-English speaking. Their work is invaluable in helping our new friends become integrated into the American culture. Thank you, Vincent, for organizing our Bike Kitchen. The Lord truly has blessed your vision and obedience! Last and certainly not least, are the army of volunteers that allow us to continue to minister to the Village of Lockland. Thank you, volunteers, for having a heart to serve and love each person who comes through our doors!
Null Update: Our lives are so daily and routine yet changing all the time! For the past several months, Jim has been on a “plateau” with his ALS. We have had some minor changes and adjustments, but nothing overwhelming. The disease itself is overwhelming because it’s so unpredictable. Every ALS patient has different symptoms and medical requirements. We are grateful everyday that Jim is still able to talk and eat by mouth, even though he is using his breathing machine about 23 hours/day. We continue to experience God’s faithfulness in this journey, as He showers us with blessings through His people. We are so grateful for His mercy and grace.
Pray Metanoia: Pray Metanoia is a special group of individuals with a call to pray frequently, fervently, specifically and sacrificially for the ministry of the Metanoia Center, for the Village of Lockland and surrounding communities. As the Metanoia Center reaches deeper into the heart and soul of Lockland, it is becoming more evident of how desperately we need a constant prayer covering to effectively carry out God’s work in this community. We must seek God’s heart and ask for His favor and blessing to be present in all we do, asking and expecting him to break the chains that the enemy has on the people here. Emails will be sent out by the group administrator as needs arise with specific prayer requests, and/or updates on prayer needs.
***Pray Metanoia has been in process for some time. It has taken a back seat to other life events since Jim’s diagnosis. We are working on getting this organized and will have a point person who will be in charge of this process. Please consider if the Lord is leading you to be a part of this ministry .***
- Pray for our Leadership Team (formerly the Board), as they make decisions for the future of the ministry…that we would discern God’s will in all we do.
- Pray for more volunteers to enable our classes to grow and expand as needed.
- Praise the Lord for those who have stepped up and taken the lead to keep the programs going.
- Praise the Lord for providing all we need on Jim’s ALS journey. Continue to ask Him for endurance, perseverance, and peace as we journey on.
- Pray for funding for the completion of 115 N. Wayne. We are desperately in need of more classroom space!
About Us
Jim and Phyllis are faith-based independent missionaries commissioned by Faith Bible Church, Cincinnati, Ohio serving with the Metanoia Center. Donations to their ministry may be made through the Metanoia Center, 113 N. Wayne Ave., Lockland, OH, 45215 or online by visiting If sent by postal mail, please include a note with your donation indicating your desire to direct it to Jim and Phyllis Null’s Ministry Area. The Metanoia Center is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, thus your donation is eligible to be considered for tax exemption – please consult with your tax professional for details.
Jim and Phyllis
Galatians 2:20